After studying German Language and Literature in the 1950’s at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, Professor Kramsch emigrated to the United States, where she taught German language and literature at M.I.T. and Applied Linguistics at Cornell University. At UC Berkeley since 1990, she is now retired from the German Department and holds an appointment as Professor of the Graduate School. Her area of research is applied linguistics, with emphasis on social, cultural and stylistic approaches to language study. She was, until 2006, founding Director of the Berkeley Language Center, a research and development unit for all foreign language teachers on campus. Her major publications include:
Discourse Analysis and Second Language Teaching (CAL 1981);
Interaction et discours dans la classe de langue (Didier 1984);
Reden, Mitreden, Dazwischenreden: Managing Conversations in German (Heinle 1985);
Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspective (Benjamins 1991);
Text and Context: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Language Study (D.C.Heath 1992);
Context and Culture in Language Teaching (OUP 1993);
Language and Culture (OUP 1998);
Language acquisition and language socialization – Ecological perspectives (Continuum 2002);
The Multilingual Subject (OUP 2002);
The Multilingual Challenge (de Gruyter 2015).
She holds honorary doctorates from the Middlebury School of Languages 1998, St. Michael’s College 2001, and the University of Waterloo 2010, as well as the Berkeley Citation or honorary doctorate from UC Berkeley 2015. She is currently the President of the International Association of Applied Linguistics.
Taken from :http://german.berkeley.edu/author/ckramsch/
Claire Kramsch
Berkeley University of California
Martine Derivry
Université de Bordeaux
Her teachings at ESPE (school of education and teacher training centre) are directly associated with her research interests. They are aimed at future primary and secondary language teachers as well as other Masters in education. In charge of the European projects TILA (2013-2015) and TeCoLa (2016-2019) in France, dealing with language learners and teachers (German, English, Catalan, Spanish, French) in secondary schools, she also keeps developing intercultural telecollaboration learning environments for higher education to all learners of languages in different departments and within the training of teachers of languages or other subjects. She is particularly interested in language teachers and the ideologies conveyed through the notions of « native/non-native » that structure the whole field of language and culture learning and teaching regardless of contexts, and in the paradigm shift within this same field from monolingualism/monoculturalism to pluriligualism/ pluriculturalism.
Her latest publications:
Derivry-Plard, M. 2017. A multilingual paradigm in language education : what it means for language teachers, in Houghton, S., Hshimoto, K., Towards post-native-speakerism: Dynamics and Shifts, Intercultural Communication and Language Education, Springer.
Derivry-Plard, M., Griffin, C. 2017. Beyond Symbolic Violence in ELT in France, in Juan de Dios, Native and non-native teachers in English language teaching. Potentials and challenges, Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter
Derivry-Plard, M (coord.). 2017. La télécollaboration interculturelle, Les Langues Modernes, n°1.
Derivry-Plard, M. 2016. Symbolic power and the ‘native/non-native’ dichotomy: Towards a new professional legitimacy, in Kramsch, C, Hua, Z. Applied Linguistics Review, Editor in Chief, Wei, Li., DeGruyter Mouton: 431-449.http://www.degruyter.com/printahead/j/alr
Derivry-Plard, M. 2015. Les enseignants de langues dans la mondialisation. La guerre des représentations dans le champ linguistique de l’enseignement, Paris, Éditions des Archives Contemporaines/PLID. Postface de C. Kramsch. http://pub.lucidpress.com/EnseignantsMondialisation/

The researcher Tulio Enrique Rojas Curieux, professor of Anthropology at the University of Cauca, has over 30 years researching issues related to the life of indigenous peoples, their organizational process and their languages. Coordinates the research activities of the Group of Linguistic, Pedagogic and Socio-Cultural Studies -GELPS- southwestern Colombia, whose main objective is "To advance the research and knowledge of linguistic, educational and cultural reality of southwestern Colombia for the construction of an education in line with the diversity of the country. "
Joint Division with the Environment -DAE-, University of Cauca, highlights the contribution of Professor Tulio Enrique Rojas Curieux and GELPS group to promote the complex study of indigenous languages and link these initiatives, offering great social impact, students from different programs, such as Systems Engineering, Anthropology, Speech Therapy, among others.
The professor Tulio Enrique Rojas Curieux has been highlighted for its ability to build networks and integrated with national and international agencies active in their field, with recognized universities and Grenoble and University of Lyon 2), and to promote the transfer of knowledge with students and professionals from the University of Cauca, which enriches the advanced knowledge that manages socially impactor to the southwestern region of Colombia.

Tulio Enrique Rojas Curieux
University of Cauca - Colombia

Muriel Molinié
EA 2288 DILTEC Sorbonne Nouvelle University– Paris 3
After having developed on her doctoral thesis Toward a relational approach of intercultural communication, professor Molinié hasn't stopped fostering a comprehensive and interpretative approach of plurilingualism, pluriculturalism in the education field (at the high teaching Faculty ) and on training (initial and continuous) of teachers and pre-service teachers in France and internationally.
Functioning inside a multi-reference theoretical framework, their researchers on language and culture didactics have as objective:
- Understand identity negotiations lived by plurilinguistic/pluricultural subjects on training or educative situations having into account their family and socio-historical inscriptions, their contexts (post-colonial, migratory circumstances and/ or international mobilities, etc..) and their projects (personal/professional);
- Implementing inter-comprehension educative devices about proceses and plurilingual experiences and transcultural mobilities through a big range of mediations, facilitating the necessary links between experience knowledge and academic knowledge.
Last works and publications:
Molinié, M. (à paraître en 2018). Démarche sociobiographique en contextes plurilingues. Dans : Vandevelde-Rougale & Fugier (dir.) : Dictionnaire de sociologie clinique. Collection : Sociologie clinique, dirigée par Vincent de Gaulejac. Erès : Toulouse, France. M.
Molinié (dir.) (2017) « Accompagnement sociobiographique en contexte post-colonial : plurilinguisme, émancipation, formation ». Revue Contextes & Didactiques N° 8 . EA 4538. CRREF. http://www.espe-guadeloupe.fr/la-recherche/revue-contextes-et-didactiques/la-revue-en-ligne/numero-8-2016/
Molinié, M. (2015). Recherche biographique en contexte plurilingue. Cartographie d'un parcours de didacticienne. Actes académiques. Série Langues et perspectives didactiques Paris : Riveneuve. 230 pages.
Molinié, M. (2015). (ré-éd). La méthode biographique : de l’écoute de l’apprenant de languesà l’herméneutique du sujet plurilingue. Dans P. Blanchet et P. Chardenet (dir.) Guide pour la recherche en Didactique des langues. Approches contextualisées. AUF-EAC. Ps 144-154. http://www.auf.org/